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In Loving Memory of Dr. Gopal Krishna Kunwar (1953–2021)

In Loving Memory of Dr. Gopal Krishna Kunwar (1953–2021)

Today, we stand to remember Dr. Gopal Krishna Kunwar, the esteemed Founder-Director of Divine Happy School. We reflect on his journey, marked by relentless dedication and visionary ideals which began with a dream to nurture and empower the students of Bhagalpur.

In 1990, Dr. Gopal Krishna Kunwar, along with other founders, set the foundation stone of our school. He was the master architect behind what he envisioned to be more than just an educational institution; he saw it as a place where the potential of every child could be nurtured to its fullest. His vision was clear: to establish the best school in Bhagalpur that would offer unparalleled quality education. This dream was born from his belief that every child deserves a chance to shine, irrespective of their background.

Under his leadership, Divine Happy School gradually grew from a modest setup into one of the premier educational institutions of the region. The school’s alumni have gone on to achieve great success in various fields, carrying forward the values instilled in them by Dr. Gopal Krishna Kunwar. He was known for his tireless work ethic, often the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave. His dedication extended beyond the academic achievements of his students, encompassing their moral and emotional growth as well.

Dr. Gopal Krishna Kunwar was not just a director; he was a mentor, a guide, and a friend to all. His presence could light up a room, and his wise words resonated with many. His contributions to education and the community have left an indelible mark on Bhagalpur. He believed in the power of education to transform lives and worked relentlessly to ensure that our school could provide that opportunity to every student.

As we remember our beloved Director, we reflect on a life well-lived, dedicated entirely to the service of others. His legacy will continue to inspire educators and students alike, echoing his belief in the transformative power of education. His dream lives on through each classroom of Divine Happy School and through each life he touched. We honour his memory by continuing to pursue excellence in education, following the path he carved out with so much love and dedication.